On Sunday, September 30, we will remember and pay homage to all the victims of the American Gun violence epidemic with the Concert Across America to End Gun Violence in Brooklyn. This is a series of concerts ranging from coast to coast in order to raise awareness about the issue.
Concert Across America kicks off on Sept. 23, the date designated by Congress in 2007 as a day of remembrance for murder victims. This nationwide event will bring together a network of Organizations, Physicians, Activists and Artists to remember the victims of gun violence across the nation and in our state, and to promote change.
The Sept. 30th concert in Brooklyn was organized by a group of pediatricians, medical students and healthcare professionals from the New York State American Academy of Pediatrics (NYS AAP) - Chapters 2 & 3, National Physicians Alliance, and Doctors for America. We are united together to halt the epidemic of gun violence in America.
Tickets will be sold at a recommended donation of $25 and are fully tax deductible.
Silent auction proceeds will also be tax deductible and all proceeds will go to the American Academy of Pediatrics for educational materials to further a solution to this epidemic.
Featured Artists:
- Bex White- https://bexwhite.bandcamp.com/releases
-Charlie Allenson - http://www.charlieallenson.com/
-Elizabeth Rose --- http://elizabethrosemusic.com
- Andrea Sears
- Kathryn Henderson
-Christina Maida and Darcy Hargadon of Common Ground
Purchase Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-concert-across-america-to-end-gun-violence-tickets-49635014665
We encourage you to donate as much as you can for the cause. All proceeds will go to NYS AAP - Chapters 2 & 3 for community outreach and educational materials to promote gun safety and ultimately end gun violence.